Document 0702 DOCN M9460702 TI Drug use, HIV risk-taking and psychosocial correlates of benzodiazepine use among methadone maintenance clients. DT 9408 AU Drake S; Swift W; Hall W; Ross M; National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New; South Wales, Kensington, Australia. SO Drug Alcohol Depend. 1993 Dec;34(1):67-70. Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE MED/94228976 AB Methadone maintenance clients who used benzodiazepines were compared with other methadone maintenance clients on a range of drug use and psychosocial treatment outcome measures. Despite being on higher methadone doses, benzodiazepine users were more likely to have recently injected, to have used cocaine and amphetamines, to have borrowed or lent used needles and syringes, and to have reported polydrug use in the preceding month. Benzodiazepine users also exhibited higher levels of psychopathology and social dysfunction than other methadone maintenance clients. It is concluded that benzodiazepine-using methadone maintenance clients are a dysfunctional subgroup of the methadone population, who may require more clinical intervention than other clients. DE Adolescence Adult *Benzodiazepine Tranquilizers Depressive Disorder/DIAGNOSIS/PSYCHOLOGY Diagnosis, Dual (Psychiatry) Female Heroin Dependence/PSYCHOLOGY/*REHABILITATION Human HIV Infections/PREVENTION & CONTROL/PSYCHOLOGY/*TRANSMISSION Life Style Male Methadone/*THERAPEUTIC USE Middle Age Needle Sharing/ADVERSE EFFECTS/*PSYCHOLOGY Personality Inventory *Risk-Taking Substance Dependence/*PSYCHOLOGY/REHABILITATION Support, Non-U.S. Gov't JOURNAL ARTICLE SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).